Go visit Tim Bordelon, State Farm Agent. He is right next to Avante Spa on Debbie Lane in Mansfield. He's a really nice guy.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
My whole Saturday was spent in the ER with my kids. Thank God everyone is ok. D was in for what we thought, appendicitis. Due to normal white cell count, that ruled appendicitis out and was sent home with a dx of abdominal pain.
Praise the Lord my daughter is ok. She was kept overnight to at the hospital ensure her baby was ok. See what her car looks like now.
Friday, February 1, 2008
My beautiful neice sent me pics of her new born baby boy. And her beautiful daughter who is now in the double digits. Ten years old! Way to go, Mia!! Love you guys! Miss you much! Smooches!
Donald is also the godfather to my children. He has many godchildren. He brought this little angel in with him. She was a joy! Don calls it Leather & Lace. (smile)
This is one of my most dearest friends. I've known Donald for over 20 years. Every 10 years he takes a professional portrait to celebrate the successful milestones of his life. In December he gave me the honor of photographing him. Love you, Donald!